

Business Registration & Legal

  • Trade License

  • Certification of Incorporation

  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

  • Company Registration (Schedule- X)/ Joint Stock

  • Business Identification Number (BIN)/ VAT

  • Export Registration Certificate ERC)

  • Import Registration Certificate (IRC)

BSO Membership (Local)

  • Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)

  • Export Promotion Bureau (EPB)

  • Bangladesh Finished Leather, Leather Goods and Footwear Exporter Association (BFLLFEA)

BSO Membership Icon

BSO Membership (Global)

  • Registered Exporter System (REX)
  • Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club UK
  • Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)


  • Factory (DIFE) License
  • Fire License


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